Responsible Investment recognises there is more that drives investment returns than just what is found in financial reports. At Mint Asset Management, we believe investing responsibly is not only the right thing to do, but it also enhances long-term risk-adjusted returns and drives long-term value for our investors.
Responsible Investing has been a core and fully integrated component of our investment management process for a long time. We prioritise Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scoring for stock we invest in directly – this is called positive screening. We also employ negative screening, which means we exclude certain companies and activities from our investment universe. Then, as an active fund manager, we engage with companies and policy makers to enact change, as well as exercising our voting rights in our investee companies whenever possible.
For a full explanation of Mint’s approach to responsible investing, please see our policies:
Responsible Investment PolicyStewardship Policy
To view Mint’s latest proxy voting statistics and our Quarterly Sustainability Report, please click here:
Proxy Voting StatisticsQuarterly Sustainability Report
As signatories to the PRI, we are assessed annually on our ESG investment framework and disclosure. Our latest submission, and the corresponding assessment report, is available below:
Public Transparency Report Assessment Report
We have produced a Voluntary Climate Report (introductory and limited in nature) which provides an overview of how we manage climate related risks and opportunities with respect to Mint’s listed equity and corporate bond investments.
Collating all this together ourselves in a comprehensive process allows us to have a complete picture of all our investments. At Mint, we believe that integrating the best of valuation and financial metrics with the qualitative side of ESG evaluations will drive stronger outcomes for investors.
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