Mint Asset Management was founded in 2006 by Rebecca Thomas, Chief Executive Officer. Originally from England, Rebecca moved to New Zealand in 2004, she recognised there was an opportunity to offer professionally managed funds, at a reasonable cost, to help Kiwis grow their wealth. 

Mint Asset Management has become a trusted active fund manager with a targeted group of investment strategies. Our team comprises highly experienced individuals who bring fresh ideas and diverse expertise, both local and global, to the table.

We are a New Zealand boutique investment manager and we look at investment from the perspective of New Zealand investors. What sets us apart is that key members of our team are shareholders, ensuring their interests are aligned with our clients.

Both Corporate Responsibility and Responsible Investment are important to us. We strive to continuously improve our company and investment practices to align with Environment, Social, and Governance principles.

Our vision is to be a successful boutique investment management firm specialising in active investment management. We measure our success by adding long-term value for our clients through sustainable investment returns.


Learn about our funds

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Shared investment and ownership interests create a natural balance.

At Mint, the majority of staff are shareholders which effectively aligns our investment interests, with those of our clients. Having a vested interest in our business ensures our performance as fund managers, has direct implications for our continuing growth, longevity and success as a company.


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