Frequently Asked


How do I invest with Mint Asset Management?

Application forms can be found at the back of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which can be downloaded directly from the website, obtained through a financial adviser or you can contact us for a hard copy. Completed application forms should be sent to: Mint Asset Management, c/o MMC Limited, PO Box 106 039, Auckland 1143, or emailed to: Payment can be made by electronic banking and/or direct debit download our payment guidelines. Further details can be found in the PDS.

Please note that the first application for an investment with Mint Asset Management will be required to provide: proof of identity, your IRD number and your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR).

How do I get product information such as PDS, SIPO, Fact Sheets and Fund Updates?

You may obtain information including a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) and product information from either your financial adviser, downloading the offer documents from the website, or by emailing and we will forward documents to you. This information can also be found at

What is a Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) and the PIE regime?

Under  New Zealand legislation a managed fund may register to be a Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) which means investment income within the managed fund is subject to different rules relating to tax. All our retail products are currently registered as PIEs. Among these rules capital gains on all New Zealand and some Australian shares incur no tax while other income is subject to tax calculated on the basis of each investor’s Prescribed Investment Rate (PIR).

The PIE regime is a regime for the taxation of PIE managed funds. The PIE's income is attributed to its investors, based on their shares of the PIE, and is taxed at each investor's Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR). The PIE regime creates tax advantages for some investors, mainly because the maximum PIR is 28%. The regime therefore provides tax benefits to investors who are on a higher marginal tax rate and invest in a PIE.

What is a Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR)?

A Prescribed Investor Rate PIR is the tax rate used to calculate tax on taxable income. Each investor, whether an individual, company, trustee, registered charity or superannuation fund, has a PIR which you must supply at the time of investment. In order to work out which rate applies to you please contact the IRD 

How do I top up my investment?

Additional investments can be made using the Application Form included in the PDS or by emailing Any subsequent investment will not require you to resubmit proof of identity.

How do I check on the valuation of my investment?

You can track the value of your investment through the client portal. If you have not registered for this, please do so by contacting us at or calling our Administrator on 09 309 8926.

Our website is updated weekly on Tuesday morning with the latest unit price, and monthly once the valuation has been agreed.

Can I switch between Mint funds?

Yes, you can switch your investments between the Mint funds at no cost. You will need to complete an Application Form for the new fund and email back to us or send this to our administrators with instructions to switch your holding.

How do I get a tax certificate?

A tax statement will be sent to all investors following the financial year end at 31 March. If you are due a rebate, we will liaise with the IRD on your behalf and will purchase additional units in the fund with the proceeds. If you owe money to the IRD we will deduct units from your holding to pay the IRD.

How do I redeem all or part of my investment?

A request to redeem part or all of your investment must be made in writing to the Administration Manager, Mint Asset Management, c/o MMC, PO Box 106-039, Auckland 1143 or you can email us. The letter must include your client number and the bank account details proceeds are to be paid to and be signed by the same people who signed the application form.

How do I change my income reinvestment choice or my bank details for income payments?

A request to change these details must be made in writing to the Administration Manager, Mint Asset Management, c/o MMC, PO Box 106-039, Auckland 1143 or you can email us at

How do I notify a change of address?

Notification of a change of address must be made in writing to the Administration Manager, Mint Asset Management, c/o MMC, PO Box 106-039, Auckland 1143 or you can email us at

Will we receive dividends or distributions?

The Mint Diversified Income Fund intends paying a quarterly distribution to investors. If investors in this fund do not wish to receive distributions, they can tick the box on the application to have these reinvested. Distributions are not currently made from the other funds. If you are invested in these funds and wish to receive an income stream from your investment please email us at

How are fees paid?

The funds are subject to costs including management, administration, custody, supervisor and audit fees. These are embedded in the Fund's unit price and paid directly from the Fund. For more information about the Funds fee structure, see section 5 of the PDS.

How do I make a complaint ?

Any complaint should be directed in writing to Mint Asset Management Limited, PO Box 91649 Auckland Mail Centre, and attention: Compliance Manager. You may also contact the Supervisor in writing at Public Trust, PO Box 1598 Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, and attention: Manager Client Services.

Mint is a member of a dispute resolution scheme, the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO). If your complaint has not been resolved within 40 days, or you are not satisfied with the proposed outcome, the IFSO may be contacted at, PO Box 10-845, Wellington 6143 or phone 0800 888 202

If you are not satisfied with the level of service we have provided, you can make a complaint by email at, or by writing to us at, Mint Asset Management Limited, PO Box 91649

Please note: Mint Asset Management advises that all investors should seek independent financial advice prior to making any investment decisions.

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Whether you are new or an existing investor, we are here to help. Check out our FAQs or contact our team directly.

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